Parish Directory
Our Parish Directory is available to stewards in several forms: print, online (via a web browser), and through an app for mobile devices. An updated print version will be distributed this fall; however, the online and app versions of the directory are available now.
Here are a few details about the digital versions of the directory:
- Access to the digital directory is only available to parishioners who have filled out a pledge card for the current year. If you have not filled out a card, you will not have access.
- All information in the digital directory is secure. It can only be accessed by stewards who are given a password by the system.
- To access the web version of the directory, you must first register with the directory app (which is free). The app is available for Apple, Android, and Kindle devices.
To get started, first download the app from iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon (depending on your device). The name of the app is Instant Church Directory, and there is no cost to download.
After downloading the app, open it on your device. You will be asked to enter your email address as it’s listed in our directory. Then click the Request Password button.
If you get a message that the app cannot find your email, it is likely due to one of the following reasons:
>> The church doesn’t have a stewardship pledge card from you for the current year.
>> The church either does not have your email in our directory or we have a different email address listed for you.
If you are unsure of the reason you are not listed (or need to make a correction to your listing), please email Fr. Photios Dumont.
If you do not receive an error message, an email will be sent to you within five minutes with your password. (Check your spam folder if you do not receive it in that time frame.) The email will be sent from and will likely look something like this:
Once you retrieve your password, go back to the app and use it to sign in with your email.
After logging in, you will have access to the app and can find parishioners by scrolling down to their last names or by using the Search function (you can search by any criteria – first name, last name, zip code, etc.). Tap on the person’s profile to see their details.
And if you wish to view the directory online in a web browser, simply to go:
There, you can use your email address and the same password sent to you for the app. (NOTE: The same email and password may be used for multiple devices.) You may also change your password at the online site after logging in, if you desire.
Online Chapel

Theodore the Tyro, Great Martyr
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou art the good steward, who redeemed Adam and Eve of their failed stewardship by offering Thyself for the life of the world. Thou didst teach us in the feeding of the multitudes that whatever we give to God is returned to us multiplied. Thou didst praise those good and faithful servants in the parable of the talents who returned to the Master their gifts. So help us to learn the joy of stewardship, remembering that everything we have comes from Thee and belongs to Thee. We know, Lord, that we often live in fear of the future and insecurity. Help us to remember the lilies of the field and so to trust in Thy providence. Grant to us a cheerful and generous spirit. Enkindle in the hearts of all Thy people a zealous love for Thee. For Thou art the Good Steward, and to Thee we give thanks, praise and glory, together with Thy Father who is from everlasting and Thine all holy good and life-giving Spirit now and ever and onto the ages of ages. Amen
If you are interested in becoming a steward at our parish, please take a moment to review the Stewardship Booklet. It explains how offerings are used by the church and can assist with possible amounts to tithe, if you are curious. For the same amount as a latte a day, you'll see that you can make a tremendous difference to our parish.
When you feel ready, please visit the following page to learn more about filling out a Stewardship Commitment Pledge Card - Online Pledge Card
Visit our eGiving page to learn more about offering your gifts online as well.
Thank you for your cooperation and support!