Orthodox Christian Mission Center
Several years ago, the Patriarchs and other heads of all of the world's Orthodox Churches met in Constantinople. They issued a far-reaching statement which included the following in relation to missionary work:
"...evangelization of those who do not believe in Christ constitutes the supreme duty of the Church." And further they said, "all Orthodox Churches must contribute to this missionary effort...."
Here in the United States, world-wide Orthodox Mission work is organized, implemented, and supported through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a Pan-Orthodox agency headquartered in St. Augustine, Florida. OCMC sends long-term Missionaries as well as short-term teams to many countries. A number of our faithful from St. Demetrios have served on these teams over the past 25 years.
OCMC also provides stipends to indigenous clergy; assists with theological training and translations; works to establish offices in mission countries for development and philanthropic work, establishes programs in women groups; builds churches, schools, and medical facilities; fosters self-help initiatives; sets up revolving loan funds; drills wells; helps orphans; and more.
How can we help with this "supreme duty?" Pray for Orthodox missions and missionaries. Offer generous financial support through regular donations. See the OCMC display in the hallway outside the Bookstore and pick up a donation box for your home. For more information, go to www.ocmc.org or contact our parish OCMC Ambassador, Eugenia Macris at 425-888-1327 or jeanm@enerdynesolutions.com
Thank you in advance for helping to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." (Matthew 28:19-20)
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Meatfare Tuesday
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
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