Helping Orthodox Parents Educate (HOPE) is a ministry at St. Demetrios for babies and children aged 40 days to Pre-K. HOPE meets the first Tuesday of every month at 11:30 am in the corner classroom at the church for Fellowship and a lesson about our Holy Orthodox Faith. Contact hope@saintdemtrios.com to be added to the email list and for more information. Contacts are Eirene Bekris and Alexandra Flugstad.
Junior Orthodox Youth (JOY) is the ministry for children from kindergarten through 5th grade. This ministry is designed to promote bonding between the child and the Faith, promote the tenets of Greek Orthodox Christianity in the lives of young people and develop Orthodox Christian Fellowship and promote proper Orthodox Christian development. Contact is Father Spyridon (frspyridon@saintdemetrios.com).
Parents are encouraged to attend and assist in both ministries.
Recent HOPE & JOY gatherings have even included Lent Retreats at All Saints Camp, visit to the Seattle Aquarium and our Annual Twilight Easter Egg Hunt.
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Theodora of Alexandria
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