St. Demetrios Parish Survey Results
St. Demetrios Parish Survey Results
The Parish Survey has been completed and we thank you for your participation. We had 336 participants complete the survey. This is an outstanding rate of completion and allows us to better understand your thoughts and feedback about St. Demetrios.
A summary of the survey is published in the November Orthodox Way. The full survey is available for your review.
There were over 1,400 written comments to the open-ended questions. What you will see in the survey results are a summary of those comments as the most important issue is to understand the trends.
Given the number of completed surveys, the confidence rate is 95%. Again, this allows a high level of confidence in the accuracy of the survey results.
As with any survey, it may take a couple reviews to fully understand the outcomes. Each slide provides summary information of the outcomes for ease in reading. If, however you have questions, please feel free to contact any member of the Strategic Planning Team.
Over the coming months we will continue providing information about the survey but more importantly what our next steps will be. The last two slides of the survey recap show both our calendar of events for the completion of our plan and highlight and the key areas of focus for a plan moving forward.
Through analysis of our parish by the Strategic Planning Team, coupled with parishioner perspectives from the parish survey, the plan will focus on the following 6 key areas:
- Faith Formation
- Liturgical Renewal
- Leadership
- Stewardship
- Engagement
- Youth and Family
A “vision” (development) team will soon be formed for each of the 6 key focus areas. Each team will be comprised of a leader and additional parishioners who will be asked to bring forth new ideas, programs, and actions. Once leaders of the vision teams are established, we will ask for your continued participation in these vision/development teams.
Again, we thank you for your participation. We look forward to continue building a vibrant community at St. Demetrios focused on bringing us closer to God, growing our parish, and to enabling our parish to have a clear direction for the future.
In Christ,
Fr. Photios & Barbara Trehearne
Questions/comments can be directed to Members of the Strategic Planning Team:
Cliff Argue, Danny Mavromatis, Gabriel Bayouk, George Constantine, George John, Georgine Looney, Gil Morgan, John John, Lindsay Stotz, Patti Kost, Steven Stanos, Tom Leonidas, Vasili Dikeakos, Barbara Trehearne, Fr Photios
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